Embed in the breathtaking community of Tirupathi, 35-Chinna Katha Kaadu tells the tale of Saraswathi (Nivetha Thomas), a delighted middle-class woman that lives quietly with her hubby, Satya Prasad (Vishwadev Rachakonda), and their 2 sons, Arun (Arundev Pothula) and Varun (Abhay Shankar). Nonetheless, their tranquility is interrupted when Arun starts having problem with maths. He asks unusual inquiries regarding the topic, and his stringent Maths instructor, Chanakya Varma (Priyadarshi), judges trainees based just on their qualities. Disturbed by Arun’s bad efficiency, Chanakya calls him “zero,” which worries his moms and dads. Saraswathi makes a decision to help her kid boost his math abilities. Will she do well? What is Arun really believing? And does Chanakya wind up helping Arun? The movie solutions these questions.
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